Let your development journey start here. Every single resource on this list is completely FREE to start learning 🤍

General Learning Courses:

LearnWeb3: https://www.learnweb3.io/

A great resource to learn blockchain concepts following multiple tracks, starting with the Freshman Track. This track starts at the basics of Javascript and blockchain and builds on top of concepts through projects and a valuable collection of articles/videos.

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Buildspace: https://buildspace.so/

Buildspace is a place for developers to get exposed and learn web3 through the process of building projects. They also have an amazing discord community and each cohort starts with exciting live online streams.

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Learn Solidity

Solidity By Example: https://solidity-by-example.org/

Solidity by example literally is exactly what it sounds like! It teaches you Solidity through actionable code samples. There are also corresponding YouTube tutorials to follow along each example. You can also paste the code directly into Remix.

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FreeCodeCamp YouTube: Learn Solidity, Blockchain, and Smart Contracts: